Next Holiday

Turkey Vacation Packages

Next Holiday Travel organiza os melhores pacotes para a Turquia que aproveitam ao máximo cada minuto que passam na Turquia, seja explorando atrações, experimentando os passeios entre os Grandes Bazaares de Istambul, ou mesmo tendo a flexibilidade de desfrutar de tempo livre em suas excursões à Turquia. Turquia tem uma rica história e atrações de luxo para ver, você vai se sentir impressionado mesmo por apenas caminhar em suas ruas e lidar com as pessoas acolhedoras. Turquia pacotes de

Istanbul 3 Days-2 Nights

3 Days / 2 Nights

Istanbul 3 Days-2 Nights

Experience Istanbul’s timeless sights on 3 Days-2Nights package of the city’s stunning historic places. Listen for the ancient echoes of pounding hooves and charioteers at Hippodrome Square and spot the distinctive tiles of the Blue Mosque. See the Byzantine mosaics and minarets of Hagia Sophia, then follow to Topkapi Palace and Grand Bazaar,


370$ 350$ Por pessoa

Istanbul and Bursa 4 Days-3 Nights

4 Dias / 3 Noites

Istambul e Bursa 4 Dias-3 Noites

Experimente os pontos turísticos atemporais de Istambul no pacote 4 Dias-3Noites Istambul e Bursa


390$ 350$ Por pessoa

Pacotes de viagem para a Turquia

Istambul é a capital da Turquia e o principal destino em nossos pacotes Turquia como ele detém um monte de atrações importantes nos destinos do Oriente Médio. Um dos destinos turísticos mais populares da Turquia é a antiga Mesquita Azul, que está localizada em frente ao Parque Sultanahmet da mesquita de Hagia Sophia. O sultão Ahmed ordenou que a mesquita fosse construída, e o arquiteto Sedefkar Mehmet Aa, um estudante de Sinan, o mais conhecido arquitecto otomano, projetou-a para imitar a Hagia Sophia. Além disso, pacotes da Turquia são populares para a deliciosa cozinha turca que os distingue de qualquer outro pacotes do Oriente Médio.

Para os viajantes que têm tempo limitado para passar na Turquia, você pode encontrar sua excursão favorita no nosso Turkey Day Tours.

The budget for a trip can vary greatly depending on the destination, duration, accommodation choices, activities, and personal preferences. Researching average costs, including accommodation, transportation, meals, and attractions, will help you estimate your budget more accurately.

The essential travel documents usually include a valid passport, visas (if required), airline tickets, hotel reservations, travel insurance, and any necessary identification cards. It's always a good idea to make copies of these documents and store them separately as a backup.

Egypt is famous for its ancient historical sites. Some of the must-visit attractions include the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple, Valley of the Kings, Abu Simbel, and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

The best time to visit Egypt is during the cooler months of October to April when temperatures are more comfortable for exploring the historical sites. However, if you're interested in diving in the Red Sea, the summer months offer warm waters and excellent visibility.

When visiting religious sites such as mosques or temples, it's important to dress modestly out of respect. Both men and women should have their shoulders and knees covered. It's also advisable for women to carry a scarf to cover their hair if needed.

The best months to enjoy the Middle East tours are generally April and May, or October and November, however this can vary depending on where you're traveling and what you want to do. Temperatures are normally pleasant rather than extremely hot during certain hours, though crowds may be strong at some attractions.

The most prevalent mode of transportation is by bus. In the absence of this, you'll typically find shared taxis or tourist buses running routes to major sights (such as Petra in Jordan). While flying is the shortest way to travel between Middle Eastern destinations.

If you wish to take a big tour of the Middle East, you should plan at least a 10-day itinerary of Middle East Packages to allow ample time in each country. You may also need to allow extra time to go from one location to another due to security and border crossings between countries.
